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Action Example Punishment Appealable
Hacked Client Using any sort of hacked client, other than in anarchy both on Eagler and Java. Ex. Future, LiquidBounce, Meteor, Rise, etc. 14d ip ban (if not on proxy, do /dupeip user first) You may appeal. You must provide evidence.
Macros/Auto-clickers Using an auto-clicker to AFK a farm. Anything to automate your clicks or keys like TinyTask/AHK is prohibited. 14d IP Ban You may appeal. Must provide evidence.
Doxxing Revealing someone’s personal info such as their address or name without their permission. Ex. Home/IP Address Permanent IP Ban You can NOT appeal
DDoS/Server Attack/Botting Sending hundreds of bots into the network. Permanent IP Ban No Appeal
Spam/Chat Flood Repeating a phrase and flooding the chat so that it is almost impossible to read normal text. Ex. nioaawdn... 1 Hour Mute No Appeal
Advertising sending/spamming the IP or discord for a server. Ex. "join server.net!!" 1h mute-14d IP Ban based on severity No Appeal
Staff abuse Abusing staff powers. Ex. "give user item" Demotion, 30-day ban Not Appealable
Staff Disrespect "staff sucks dick" 1-3 hour depending on severity No Appeal
Slurs Sending any sort of racial or derogatory slurs Hard r = 12h, rest = 6h mute No Appeal
Nsfw anything nsfw, weather it be talking abt sex or just common sense things 1h-12h depending on severity No Appeal
scamming scamming any users out of money or items 14d ip ban Appeal In Discord
Alt Boosting/farming logging onto a alt and giving items to main (daily rewards or missions rewards, etc) account wipe and 4d ban Appeal with heavy proof
Promoting self harm Telling others to cut themselves or kill themselves 4 day ban No Appeal
Talking about politics anything to do with politics 2h mute/td> No Appeal